Wall of death motorcycle show!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MT3tC4BlCEUendofvid [starttext]Kerri Cameron, 21, rides The Wall of Death at the Carole Nash International Classic MotorCycle Show - Saturday 28th April 2012 - Stafford County Show Ground, Staffordshire. Riding sidesaddle on a motorcycle, speeding around the inside of a giant wooden barrel, and relying on centrifugal force to keep you alive, may sound like a very unlikely job for a woman. But as this year's display season starts it's two girls' pulling power that's attracting the crowds to The Wall of Death. Twenty-one-year-old, blonde, Kerri Cameron rides alongside, above and sometimes underneath, nineteen-year-old brunette, Jaimi Tyrrell as part of The Ken Fox Troupe. Known as 'Hell Riders' the bikers, who don't wear crash helmets or any other safety equipment, need to ride fast enough to maintain a dizzying three Gs of force to keep them from falling to their doom.
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